what is a life and business coach

What is a life and business coach?6 min read

Explains exactly what is a life and business coach with examples of how coaching can help you in your life and business.

If you’re an entrepreneur growing your business, or a professional debating starting your own business and transitioning out of the corporate world, you might be wondering

  • What is a life and business coach?
  • When should you hire a life and business coach?
  • How much is a good business coach?
  • Is coaching worth the money?
  • How to find a life and business coach?
  • What’s the difference between business coaching vs business consulting?

Having been in both the business coaching and business consulting industries for years, I want to help you answer all of those questions in this mini blog series. This specific post will address “What is a life and business coach?” and at the bottom of the article you’ll find links to other short posts that answer each question you might have about coaching! And if there’s something you want to know that I haven’t covered, just leave a comment or send me an email – I’d be happy to chat more.

what is a life and business coach?

What is a life and business coach?

There are so many types of coaches out there, especially as the coaching industry continues to grow: there is a life coach, a business coach, a life and business coach, an executive coach, a CEO coach, a life coach for entrepreneurs, a success coach, a career coach, a mindset coach… I could go on and on.

Because there are so many different “types” of coaches, or more specifically, because coaches call themselves so many different things, it can feel confusing to figure out what kind of coach you should hire.

In this article, I will explain exactly what is a life and business coach. However, you should know that the process of coaching remains the same regardless of the coach’s “title.”

When looking for a coach to work with, don’t get caught up in what they call themselves… instead focus on whether they can support you through your specific challenges and help you achieve your specific goals.

For more information on what to look for in a coach and how to find the right fit coach for you, click here.

So, let’s cut to the chase… what is a life and business coach?

A life and business coach helps you grow your business to the next level while intentionally creating a life that aligns with your values.

When you focus exclusively on growing your business, you start to sacrifice other areas of your life in the process, and end up with a “successful” business but a life you’re not fond of waking up to each day.

This happened to my client R – he spent many years running a business that looked great from the outside but left him burnt out, working 80 hour weeks, going 10 years without a vacation, heading into the office on a Sunday or a holiday, with not enough time or energy left to devote to his wife, kids, friends, and his own mental and physical health suffering. In the name of providing financial security for his family he sacrificed everything else that was important to him in the process.

When we started working together, coaching helped R get crystal clear not only on his business and financial goals, but specifically on how he wanted his life to look and feel in the process of running his business.

That’s the difference between what is a life AND business coach vs just a business coach…

A business coach focuses on helping you grow your business by getting out of your own way. A life and business coach goes a step further and helps you ensure that the business you’re building is also aligned with the life you really want.

We used tools, exercises, and most importantly, regular coaching conversations to help R understand what truly mattered to him, shed old beliefs that said it wasn’t possible, focus on the right things to move him forward, and hold him accountable to creating the kind of business and life he wanted.

Through working with a life and business coach such as myself, R was able to intentionally start two new businesses that not only met his financial desires, but also aligned with his values, allowing him to work remotely, be there for every kid’s sports game and practice, and work less than 40 hours a week – all things that were really important to him.

Life and business coaching allowed R to not only continue to be financially successful, but to actually love the life he was living in the process… and what could be better than that?

what is a life and business coach?

If you deeply desire to grow a thriving business, but you want to do that without sacrificing your happiness in the process, a life and business coach is the best kind of coach you can work with.

A life and business coach not only supports you in growing your business, but they also help you make sure that you’re living a life you actually love in the process.

That’s exactly what we do at Ana McRae Coaching: we help high performers create FULFILLING success — build thriving businesses AND live fulfilling lives.

We believe you don’t have to sacrifice money for happiness, or vice versa, and can create both in abundance.

Through powerful 1:1 life and business coaching conversations, I help my clients figure out what they *really* want to be doing with their lives, launch new businesses or scale existing ones to $1M and beyond, so that they can support their dream lifestyle, find fulfillment in their work, and live lives they truly love.

If you’re interested in working with a life and business coach, the best next step you can take is to book a free Breakthrough Session with me.

You’ll get 60 minutes of FREE 1:1 coaching time where we’ll focus on where you’re at, where you want to go, and what’s standing in your way. You’ll walk away with a breakthrough in thinking & clear action steps to move you forward, plus you’ll get a feel for my 1:1 life and business coaching style so that you can decide whether having this high level of support is the right next step in your life and business growth journey.

Click here to book a Breakthrough Call at a time that works for you!

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