5 Powerful Steps To Ease Back Into Business After A Break6 min read

While those moments of relaxation are vital for your long-term success and sanity, come September, you might be itching to dive back into your business goals. And, at the same time that you’re craving more structure and momentum, you’re probably also semi-reluctant to release the carefree vibes of summer. 😂

In this article, I want to share what always helps me reconnect with my business after a period of relaxation—whether it’s summer vacation, the holiday season, or just a week spent battling the latest bug making its rounds. If you’ve been deliberately (or accidentally) out of your groove as an entrepreneur and are ready to get back in, this article will give you five key actions you can take to reconnect to your business and get re-energized and motivated about what’s next.

Back into business

Entrepreneurship is about so much more than just crossing off today’s to-do list. It’s about the bigger picture, the impact you’re making, and the future you’re building

Before you try to remember your to-do list and what you’re supposed to be working on, take some time to reconnect with why you started your business in the first place, where you’re heading, and what’s important to you.

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Taking time to reconnect to your vision and the bigger picture will help you see your business less like work that’s taking away from your mornings of sleeping in or Fridays off, and more as the fun and exciting thing you’re passionate about dedicating time and energy to.

Back into business

Let’s face it: getting back into the swing of things can feel a bit like running a race without a finish line. You need something to aim for, something to get you out of bed and into that “let’s crush this” mindset—because, let’s be honest, we’ve all got a little bit of a competitive streak, even if it’s just with ourselves.

Summer is all about ditching the routine, and while that’s fantastic for a while, it’s time to face the facts: routines are essential to high performance. Sure, it was nice to let go for a season, but if you want to hit your stride again, it’s time to bring back some structure.

Get back to doing the things that make you feel energized and motivated so that you can show up as the best CEO for your business. 

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Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. If you’re still feeling a bit foggy on what to focus on, taking action—any action—can be the spark you need. Remember that action creates motivation, not the other way around. 

In your first few weeks back, intentionally do more of what lights you up in your business. This allows you to truly reconnect with why you’re doing what you’re doing and build up the motivation and excitement that will carry you through some of the harder tasks that need done. 

Back into business

Entrepreneurship isn’t about going full throttle in one season and completely crashing the next. The ‘hustle until you drop’ mentality isn’t just bad for your health—it’s bad for business too.

Find ways to maintain a healthy balance between business and personal time so you can enjoy the life you’re building while growing your business. 

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Because, really, what’s the point of all this if you can’t enjoy the ride?

Back into business

If this is the season you’re ready to grow your business while establishing a better work-life balance, let’s chat. Book a discovery call, and let’s explore how 1:1 coaching can help you scale your business while freeing up time and energy for a more fulfilling life.

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