Ana McRae: online business coach

is it time to massively grow your business and create space to enjoy life more?

I am the online business coach that can help you transform not just your revenue, but your entire entrepreneurship experience.

Working with me helps you accelerate your growth
& makes entrepreneurship feel easier.

here’s what I help clients achieve:


238% growth within 12 months of working together (from $5K months to $15K months)


30% more profit working 30% fewer hours & enjoying 3 day weekends


Secured 90% of the previous year’s revenue in just 6 weeks; start-up to quitting their day job in just 3 months


Reduce the mental load of entrepreneurship and create more clarity, focus, and energy for your goals

more than money…

a life well lived

While the financial gains are impressive, we’re really building something bigger—a business that supports your dream life:

  • Want the freedom to travel the world?
  • Want to work just a few hours a morning and raise your kiddos at home?
  • Want to build a f*cking empire, have the biggest impact possible, and build generational wealth for your family? 

We build a business that isn’t just profitable, but is personally fulfilling and aligns with your values and what you truly want out of life. 

This is no cookie-cutter approach. This is highly personalized 1:1 support from a a business coach for female entrepreneurs to help you create not just financial success, but fulfilling success ™ in life and business.

Here’s what my clients have been able to do as we grow their businesses:

  • Work just 1-2 hours a day and replace their corporate income
  • Take their first vacation in 10 years
  • Buy their dream home 
  • Move to their dream country
  • Feel more energized and less overwhelmed

what clients are saying…

Despite my initial hesitation, the intensive with Ana was a game-changer.

I was feeling completely overwhelmed—doing all the things and struggling to move from working in my business to truly leading as the CEO. I knew I needed a coach to help me scale and break through my own barriers, but I had my doubts. Trusting a stranger with something as important as my business felt risky, and I wasn’t convinced a 90-minute session could really make a difference. I was wrong.

Ana quickly made me feel seen and understood. Her ability to get right to the heart of the problem was incredible. In such a short time, she helped me see clearly what I needed to do next. The fog of overwhelm lifted, and I walked away with actionable steps that felt straightforward and achievable. Most importantly, I felt supported—like I wasn’t alone in this anymore.

Despite my initial hesitation, the intensive with Ana was a game-changer. If you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed and wondering if working with Ana could help, I can say from experience that it absolutely will. Ana’s genuine understanding, strategic insights, and ability to guide you to clarity are worth every minute.

Dana Corr


I finally got clear on where to focus to grow my business!

I decided to work with Ana because I was struggling to see a clear path forward for my business with so much going on. I needed time for myself to think and work ON my business and her advice was wonderful. Ana asked powerful questions that encouraged me to reflect on what was sustainable. I feel like I have permission to do less and focus on the one important thing that will have big ripple impacts on the rest of my business. Ana made astute suggestions about how I can launch my podcast in an easy way and create an impact from the outset. I’d absolutely recommend Ana!! Thanks a million Ana!

Orla Dempsey

CEO, Orla Dempsey Coaching
mindset & strategy intensive testimonial from Zack Simon

Highly recommend to anyone looking to take their business to the next level!

I wasn’t sure if it was worth spending money on a business coach. I feared it would be a waste of time and resources until I had “more to show.” But after seeing the positive changes in my partner’s business from working with Ana, and experiencing the boost in confidence and clarity myself after one intensive, I’m glad I took the leap.

Before our session, I was unsure if I was ready to start my own business — I’ve always worked for others and I found it hard to see if I was truly ready for this step. After the intensive with Ana, I feel so much more confident in my abilities and my rates. She helped me create a clear action plan to launch my business, and it was reassuring to have an expert set of eyes on things.

I can definitely recommend her to anyone wanting to take their business to the next level.

Zack Simon

CEO, Patchwork Ecosystem
lindsay darling 1:1 online business coaching client testimonial

coaching works — and Ana is as good as it gets!

Ana has helped me to understand how and why I get stuck, how to see the possibilities vs. the roadblocks, and how to take action steps towards creating the life I want. I count the conversations I’ve had with Ana among the most meaningful and pivotal of my life. I leave every session feeling empowered, clear, and grounded. To call her a business coach seems incredibly minimizing as I found her to be my closest confidant, my trusted sounding board, and my mirror — reflecting back to me who I am now as well as who I need to become in order to achieve my goals. Ana has a brilliant business mind, a deep understanding of human nature, and, maybe most importantly, an ability to distill down the obstacles that keep people from truly expanding into their own greatness (oh, and then she creates a plan to overcome them!). She is a voice that challenges you to think and act in different ways—to provide you with a new, empowering perspective. If there’s a gap between where you are now, and where you want to be, coaching works — and Ana is as good as it gets!

Lindsay Darling

Online Business Manager
1:1 purpose coaching client Amy Bostick

I quit my 9 to 5 and am working in my DREAM industry!

When I first made the decision to reach out to Ana, I can only describe myself as being in a dense fog. I could recognize I was in a job that was not providing me with the fulfillment I craved yet I had no idea what I wanted to do instead or how to even go about figuring that out. Working with Ana was beyond anything I could have imagined from a coach. Ana helped me uncover what was in me all along and helped me develop strategies to take control back over my life right away, providing empathy all along the way. I’m happy to say that now the fog is lifted. Being coached by Ana is the best investment I’ve made not only in my career but my life overall. 

Amy Bostick


I finally started my coaching & retreats business!

I was originally looking for a health coach and found Ana instead. In 6 short months of working together, she helped me realize the dreams I had buried and turn them into a real possibility!!  I hosted my first practice retreat for women!!  There were times I wanted to cancel appointments because I hadn’t done the work I committed to. The self doubts were real. Instead I showed up and did the messy work with Ana.  At the end of 6 months I have clarity on my purpose (just as she originally promised).  I’m looking forward to seeing what additional miracles we can accomplish together in the next 6 months! 

Jaime White

CEO, J'aime Coaching
1:1 executive business coaching client

The investment is SO worth it!

This has been 10/10 amazing!! Hiring Ana is one of the best business decisions I’ve ever made. Everybody needs an Ana. One of the biggest benefits I experienced was having a guide post every week to keep me focused, and to have someone help me do the mental lifting around figuring out how to prioritize the goals and how to see a clear path to them. The investment is SO worth it. I feel super energized, refocused, and have a sense of clarity leaving each coaching session. It’s game changing!

Sandra English

1:1 executive business coaching client billy english

Highly recommend Ana to anyone with big goals!

Having Ana as a coach has helped me stay focused and more productive than ever before.  I am often pulled in several directions. With Ana’s guidance during our coaching sessions, I am able to create the space to accomplish goals that so often fall off the list. I highly recommend Ana’s coaching to anyone who is driven and looking for a way to accomplish so much more than they already are.

Billy English

1:1 online business coaching client Samantha Kopelman

I was finally able to start my business!!

I knew I wanted to start a business but felt lost as to what and how. Ana helped me get clear on exactly what kind of business I wanted to start and create an action plan on how to get there. I’ve made tremendous progress even in the past few months. The combination of business advice and also mindset coaching has been the perfect mix for me. I’m so grateful I found you as my coach, Ana! You’ve been such an integral part of setting a vision for my life and working towards it!!

Samantha Kopelman

Money Mindset Coach

meet your online business coach:

hey, i’m Ana McRae

I’m a mom of two, owner of a big-hearted Bernese Mountain Dog, and a business coach for female entrepreneurs, here to help you focus on the right things, set up systems for scaling, and get out of you own way so that you can create the success you dream of.

I traded a demanding consulting job for a fulfilling life where I work significantly less, earn much more, and help other entrepreneurs like you do the same.

As a consultant, I watched CEOs grow their profits but remain overwhelmed, unhappy, and on the brink of burnout. I quickly realized that money alone doesn’t solve the challenges that come with entrepreneurship – the fears/doubts, the mental load & overwhelm, the competing priorities and constant hustle…

As an online business coach, I help you put in place the strategic goals, streamlined operations, and success mindset you need to navigate entrepreneurship with ease and create not just financial success, but fulfilling success.

You’re already successful, but together, we can take your business to the next level.

In the next six months, you could be looking back at today as the turning point in your entrepreneurial journey.

book a discovery call to learn how to make it happen